Compliance Management System
Mutual respect and fairness in our dealings with each other and with our business counterparts are the foundation of our company culture. Through our Compliance Management System (CMS), we enshrine within our company appropriate measures with the aim of adhering to the applicable legislation, voluntary in-house commitments and our internal guidelines. The Board of Management takes the subject of compliance very seriously and expects to see it lived out and applied wholeheartedly by all our staff members and business partners. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any illegal activities or violations of our CMS. This particularly applies to any form of mis-conduct such as fraud, corruption, collusion, coercion or obstruction. In our opinion, conduct in conformity with the rules is a vital cornerstone for long-term safeguarding of our business model.
On an organizational level, the compliance process is incorporated into our Compliance Management System (CMS) and into our company practices and procedures. These lay down the rulings and procedures for our internal practices and our executive organization. The highest level panel of the executive organization of the Compliance Management System is the Compliance Board of our parent organization and the compliance officials at the group level. At Fichtner India level, panel of the executive organization of the Compliance Management System is the Compliance Committee, which is represented by our CEO and Managing Director and the persons responsible for compliance in Fichtner india.
Our System of Values
The aspiration of our corporate culture is documented in our Corporate Philosophy and the thereon-based Code of Conduct. We back this up with a Compliance Instructions for our staff for orientation in acting lawfully and in conformity with ethical norms as well as in a manner that is upright and beyond reproach. This value system is binding on our staff members and it meets the high standards required in our international business dealings.