
Environment Assessment and implementation of recommendations of statutory authorities is critical for successful execution of any Project. Fichtner India assists the Owner’s in meeting the requirements of Environmental Management for their projects.

Fichtner India provides expert assistance to Clients through Due Diligence Reports and Detailed Project Reports recommending Environmental Management Plan covering Air, water and noise pollutions, SOx, NOx, SPM emissions, ash utilisation and disposal and establishment of green belt to meet environmental protection requirements.

  • Environment Studies

    Environmental Studies

    Environmental and Social screening and Assessment in compliance with Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) have to be initiated for the Water supply, Sewerage, Drainage and external Infrastructure projects starting from the planning till implementation.

    In an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Fichtner India’s experienced Environment & Social experts and associates along with other Engineering experts carry out Environment screening and categorization followed by Impact assessment, an activity conducted both during construction phase as well as during Operation phase. Fichtner India’s engineers also assist the Owner during social Impact assessment Stakeholders meeting, Focus Group discussions as part of requirement for obtaining environmental clearance for the projects.

    Fichtner India can provide the Owner’s with an Environment Management Plan (EMP) which shall address all the environment issues including necessary mitigation measures to overcome the impact.

    Specific services

    • Initial Environmental & Social Examination
    • Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)
    • Preliminary Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)
    • Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
    • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Permit Application

    Permit Applications

    Setting up Thermal power plants and desalination plants has many challenges which include obtaining permits for land usage for setting up the plant, allocation of land for fuel transport, water intake pipe line, land for water intake pump house, construction power line, power evacuation line, coastal regulatory zone clearance, water drawl permission, approval from maritime authorities for construction of off shore jetties etc.

    Fichtner India with its extensive experience in the above fields can technically assist Project Proponents in obtaining the required permissions from various agencies.

    Areas of Activity

    • Due Diligence reports
    • Detailed Project Reports
    • Technical support to Owners for obtaining permits
  • Emission Reduction

    Emission Reduction

    Fichtner India has been actively involved in safeguarding environment from emissions coughed out by the power stations in India. In its efforts to support to India’s vision in emission reduction of SOx, NOx, SPM and Mercury levels, Fichtner India has been actively rendering consultancy services to various power utilities in India.

    Basic Engineering activities include:

    • Feasibility Studies
    • System optimization studies
    • Cost estimates
    • Preparation of Technical specification
    • Tendering and Bids Evaluation

    Detail Engineering Activities include:

    • Interface engineering for retrofits to integrate the FGD system with main plant
    • Vendor Engineering review
    • Project Management
    • Construction Supervision
    • Supervision of Commissioning
    • Witness and certification of PG Tests
  • Waste Management

    Waste Management

    With Indian Municipalities expanding rapidly both in Population as well as in economy solid waste being generated by the Municipalities has become a major challenge. In its efforts to contribute to India’s solid waste management initiatives Fichtner India has been actively engaged in various assignments of Solid waste management such as Due Diligence services, Lender Engineer services etc.,

    Areas of Activity

    • Due Diligence reports
    • Detailed Project Reports
    • Lender Engineer services